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E.T. Booth MS Student Wins Regional Essay Contest

E.T. Booth MS Student Wins Regional Essay Contest

A Cherokee County School District student is a regional essay contest winner! 
E.T. Booth Middle School eighth-grader Arcadian Freund is the Cherokee County winner for the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District’s 23rd annual essay contest open to all metro Atlanta middle schoolers.
Students were invited this fall to write an essay about how water has shaped metro Atlanta region and also could include topics such as water conservation, water recreation and related careers.

Arcadian wrote about the importance of protecting water resources through both conserving use and controlling pollution.  His essay is posted on the CCSD website online here.  His English language arts teacher is Katie Imbriano.
Arcadian, his family and Ms. Imbriano recently attended the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District’s awards ceremony at the State Capitol.  The Cherokee County School Board and Superintendent of Schools Mary Elizabeth Davis will recognize Arcadian at this month’s school board meeting.